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Admire Flowers With Chocolate

22 تقييم اترك تقييم

بوكيه “Admire” ليست مجرد هدية، بل تجربة فريدة تحاكي مشاعر وتلامس حواس من تحب.

مع 14 وردة حمراء تفيض بالشغف والحب، ألوانها المبهجة تثير البهجة في العين وتضفي لمسة من الجمال على كل لحظة، ومع 15 قطعة من شوكولاتة سالي حلمي البلجيكية، تتناغم الحواس مع حلاوة التذوق التي تضيف لمسة من الفخامة.

لينتهي الأمر بإنها هدية تنبض بالمحبة، تمنح كل من يتلقاها تجربة لا تُنسى.


نوع الورد المستخدم في البوكيه:

  • ورود مستوردة فاخرة

عدد الورد في البوكيه:

  • 15 وردة

طريقة الاحتفاظ بالورد:

  1. اسقِ الإسفنجة الخضراء الموجودة تحت ترتيب الزهور كل يومين.
  2. حافظ على الزهور بعيدًا عن الحرارة وأشعة الشمس المباشرة.
  3. تجنب وضع الزهور بجانب الفواكه أو الخضروات الناضجة، خاصة الموز والتفاح.

15 قطعة من الشوكولاتة البلجيكية بالحليب

إقرأ المزيد

2,650.00 EGP

المزيد من بلاك فرايدي 2023

المزيد من أحمر

تقييم المنتج
Admire Flowers With Chocolate
4 من 5 نجوم

22 تقييم

  • 5 نجوم


  • 4 نجوم


  • 3 نجوم


  • 2 نجوم


  • 1 نجوم



22 reviews for Admire Flowers With Chocolate

  1. Wessam Zakaria (verified owner)

    It was amazing gift
    Thank you

  2. SELMA MENNANI (verified owner)

    thank you for the beautiful bouquet
    it was an amazing gift

  3. ibrahim Nashaat (verified owner)

    Amazing service, easy to use, punctual and the product delivered was exactly as the picture

    Very professional, keep it up

  4. Salah Baghdadi (verified owner)

    Thank you

  5. Mohammed Zaki (verified owner)

    Nice Gift and professional team. thanks

  6. amgad temraz (verified owner)

    The flowers and chocolates were amazing and delivery time

  7. HATEM (verified owner)


  8. Silvia Ghattas (verified owner)

    Great job. Thank you

  9. DAVID WINSTON (verified owner)


  10. Fady Ragheb (verified owner)

    I was surprised by the level of service, quality and the accurate timing of delivery
    Thank you very much, you made my day

  11. Robin (verified owner)

    Perfect bouquet ?, delivery timing and following us by a successful delivery msg are amazing.
    Need to raise up the msg with the bouquet from 200 to 300 letter
    thanks Sally Helmy ?

  12. Ayoub elloudi (verified owner)


  13. Peter

    Everything was perfect. Thank you

  14. Ahmed Ali (verified owner)

    Thank you, everyone. Everything was fantastic and chic. The woman I love enjoyed it immensely. You all have an exceptionally sophisticated taste.

  15. Sospeter BAITWA (verified owner)

    The product was amazing, delivery was on time – perfect timing. This was a surprise to my wife, and it all went as expected., and more, she loved the flowers, they are beautiful…,

    thank you all for the great service

  16. Ahmed Yasir (verified owner)


  17. Hani lashin (verified owner)


  18. Rasel (verified owner)

    Great flowers, and great service from the seller. I highly recommend them. Sent flowers to loved one from abroad and everything was handled very smoothly.

  19. Ramy Hemdan (verified owner)

    It was perfect and amazing service, thank you

  20. Wael (verified owner)

    Great gift

  21. Adam Saad (verified owner)

    It was exactly the way I wanted it and delivered on time thank u so much I was really happy with the whole process and outcome thank u again 😊😊

  22. Nouran Farouk (verified owner)

    Amazing gift . Thank you so much

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